240830 – An Interesting Lesson from the last GBR Course
What I am always fascinated with is the power of science and how it is growing. In the last GBR Course that I lectured a week ago, I tried to revisit my presentation and make some changes and of course to be sure that I am updated. Therefore, I became

241019 – Organizing a 3day Esthetic Course
After more than 13 years postgraduation we organized a 3-day Composite Veneer Esthetics Course and we invited a highly skilled faculty member from Bandar Abbas Province. We had planned for this event for more than 2 months and we realized this maybe a challenge since I myself as Periodontist have

241017 – Private Practice vs Public Service
There was a time I used to work in 14 dental centers in different cities on different days and schedules. For example, I used to go to a province once a week 330km away from the main city Shiraz. In one day I had to be in 3 different centers

241228 – Remembered Colleagues!
Last week we lost two of our colleagues, one a friend who was a periodontist and 2 years senior to our batch and the other a General Dentist whom I used to work with 5 years ago in his clinic. Both news with a day apart were shocking. Even the

030830 – Short Lectures are Harder than Lengthy Ones!
I was invited again to give a lecture in the 13th Parseh IDA Congress and I proposed to give a talk on the topic of “Prevention of Complications id Immediate Dental Implants”. Due to number of speakers and limited time given to all I too was given a 30 min

240920 – Resetting the System
It had been long since the last time I re-evaluated the clinic business system and its workflow and I always wanted to see if there can be any improvements. However, I have realized there are some staffs that may not be comfortable with the new changes. The mentality of your