dr mahdi khadematolrasoul
Dr. Mahdi Khadematolrasoul

240830 – An Interesting Lesson from the last GBR Course

What I am always fascinated with is the power of science and how it is growing. In the last GBR Course that I lectured a week ago, I tried to revisit my presentation and make some changes and of course to be sure that I am updated.

Therefore, I became curious about the early studies related to Bone Regeneration in dentistry, and guess what; I went back to 1965. One of the early studies on this subject has used the word “wandering Histocytes” for unknown cells that makes new bone and take part in bone regeneration, emphasizing that they still don’t know the exact process.

Now we already know the step by step and definite cells and even molecules responsible for bone regeneration and related dental procedures. This happens in less than a century.

Reading the recent studies and comparing them with those old ones made me realize how fast and accurate our knowledge in increasing, thanks to the nature of science. Science has the attitude of re-evaluating itself and test itself and that makes it, its major growing factor. It is by many researches done by scientists all around the world that our knowledge is expanding (well at least in my field of work as I know and follow). The beauty of science is hidden in the word Re-search. It is a step further that Search, which makes every step of a growing forward factor. 

Re-evaluation itself through detailed different dedicated methods of Re-searches, that science is growing. This is different than fixed mindset, a type of thinking which believes only in one way as truth. Dr. Carol Dweck in her book of Mindset defines the two types of thinking and science is following and showing the Growing Mindset, the type which always tries to is not afraid of failing because it knows the results no matter what is increasing the horizons of point of view and wisdom.

As I kept reading these scientific articles regarding bone regeneration, I am so mesmerized on how beautifully science is breaking through and defines the algorithm of life, one step at a time. This maybe the reminder for us to keep an open mind and instead of fixing our mind on one single way of thinking, we should keep reading, searching and accepting the differences and changes brought to us as new evidences and use them to increase or knowledge. This could be noticed through scientific papers through time, science doesn’t hesitate to say “oh, I think I was wrong till now and new evidences show these new findings. Let’s keep these in mind until the otherwise is proven in future by upcoming researches”.

I think as doctors and healthcare providers we too should do the same not only in our career but also in our personal life. To keep an open, re-evaluate ourselves and keep in mind that whenever we see a certain thought or belief is not making us a better person, there might be a need for change. Change of the way we think or believe in something. If an attitude of ours doesn’t give the positive result we expect then maybe it is time to look for new approach and apply what shows to be a better option.

“Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.”—Chinese Proverb

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